QLD | NSW | VIC | ACT | SA | NT | TAS | WA
Abel Framing,
12 Brookes Street,
Bowen Hills Qld 4006
Phone: 07 3252 4133
Contact: John Henke
Email: sales@abelframing.com.au
Website: www.abelframing.com.au
Anthony Cotrell
Sells Australiawide,
Located – Gold Coast
Phone: 02 80061793
Email: anthony@artstyle.com.au
website: https://picturehangingsystem.com.au/
Antons Mouldings Pty Ltd.,
(wholesale customers only)
22 Nestor Drive,
Meadowbrook Qld 4131
Phone: 07 3200 2115
Contact: Sarina Oswald
Email: sales@antons.com.au
Website: www.antons.com.au
Art Nuvo,
25 Gloucester Road,
Buderim Qld 4556
Phone: 5456 2445
Contact: Olivia or Andrew
Email: olivia.banks@bigpond.com
Website: www.artnuvobuderim.com.au
Art Plus
15A Electra Street,
Bundaberg Qld 4670
Phone: 07 4151 4665
Contact: Phil
Email: info@artnsuch.com.au
Artropica Innisfail Studio Gallery
12B Owen Street,
Phone: 07 40611747
Contact: Kerryn
Email: artropic@bigpond.net.au
Cavalier Art Supplies,
All states
Email: enquiries@cavalierart.com.au
Website: www.cavalierart.com.au
City Framing,
Shop 1, 248 Adelaide Street,
Brisbane Qld 4000
Phone: 07 3229 3721
Contact: Julie Henke
Email: info@cityframing.com.au
Classic Framing
107 Targo Street,
(P.O. Box 4423)
Bundaberg Qld 4670
Phone: 07 4152 8535
Contact: Sue & Jeff Smee
Email: bundyclassic@hotmail.com
Downs Framing Studio
4/900 Ruthven Street,
Toowoomba Qld 4350
Phone: 4528 2458
Contact: Todd
Email: info@downsframing.com.au
Eckersley – Lutwyche
546 Lutwyche Road,
Lutwych Qld 4030
Phone: 07 3858 2730
Email: minyama@eckersleys.com.au
Website: www.eckersleys.com.au
Eckersley – Sunshine Coast
Shop 11, Cnr. Nicklin Way & Kensington Drive,
Minyama Qld 4575
Phone: 07 5444 0311
Email: minyama@eckersleys.com.au
Website: www.eckersleys.com.au
Eckersley – Milton
12 Douglas Street,
Milton Qld 4064
Phone: 07 3858 2700
Email: milton@eckersleys.com.au
Website: www.eckersleys.com.au
Eckersley – Underwood
42-44 Compton Road,
Woodridge Qld 4114
Phone: 07 3084 6222
Email: underwood@eckersleys.com.au
Website: www.eckersleys.com.au
Frame Craft,
26 Harries Road,
Coorparoo Qld 4151
Phone: 07 33987 7616
Contact: Peter
Email: peter@framecraft.com.au
website: www.framecraft.com.au
Milton Picture Framers,
88 Milton Street,
Mackay Qld
Phone: 07 4951 1623
Contact: Colleen Heathwood
Email: office.admin@miltonhouse.biz
Website: www.miltonhouse.biz
Oxlades Art Supplies
24 Miller Street,
Murarrie Qld 4172
Phone: 07 33488180
Email: sales@oxlades.com.au
Website: www.oxlades.com.au
155 Canning Street,
Rockhampton Qld
Phone: 07 4927 8269
Contact: Les & Sue Rigby
Email: lesrigby@irock.com.au
Noosa Picture Hanging
Sunshine Coast, Qld
Phone: 0493 478 903
Contact: Michael McClughan,
Email: info@noosapicturehanging.com
website: www.noosapicturehanging.com
Rockhampton Picture Framing,
131-133 Musgrave Street,
North Rockhampton Qld
Phone: 07 4927 6001
Contact: Merv Fern
Email: rpframe@bigpond.net.au
Sunshine Coast Art & Framing,
Shop E/3 Longwood Street,
Minyama Qld 4575
Phone: 07 5444 0009
Email: sales@artframes.com.au
Website: https://artframes.com.au/
Sunshine Coast Art Framing NOOSA
Unit 2
50 Gateway Drive
Noosaville Qld 4566
Phone: 07 5457 1127
Website: www.artfrmes.com.au
Email: sales@artframes.com.au
School Art Supplies
Unit2B, 10 Old Chatswood Rd
Springwood QLD 4127 Australia
Phone: (07) 3848 6000
Email: sales@schoolartsupplies.com.au
Website: https://www.schoolartsupplies.com.au/
The Picture Framer,
294 Severin Street,
Cairns Qld 4870
Phone: 07 4041 2590
Contact: Mark
Email: info@artcairns.com.au
New South Wales
The Gallery System Pty Ltd
(sells Australia wide)
11 Pelican Street,
Gladesville NSW 2111
Phone: 02 9802 1510 or 0403 221244
Contact: Lisa Jackson
Email: lisa@thegallerysystem.com.au
Website: www.thegallerysystem.com.au
Antons Mouldings Pty Ltd.,
(wholesale customers only)
195 Newton Road,
Wetherill Park NSW 2164
Phone: 02 9829 7566
Contact: Gordon Nuttall
Email: sales@antons.com.au
Website: www.antons.com.au
Armidale Framing & Art Supplies,
& Gallery One Two Six Pty Ltd.,
126 Jessie Street,
Armidale NSW 2350
Phone: 02 6771 1859
Contact: Anne & Stuart Boggs,
Email: boggies@bigpond.com
Website: www.gallery126.com.au
Art Installations – Southern Highlands,
P.O. Box 2252,
Bowral NSW 2576
Phone: 0412 595817
Contact: John & Sharon Mulholland
Email: john@artup.com.au
Cavalier Art Supplies,
All states,
Email: enquiries@cavalierart.com.au
Website: www.cavalierart.com.au
Digital Prints & Images,
77 Keppel Street,
Bathurst NSW 2795
Phone: 02 6332 4410
Contact: Jann Gallen
Email: sales@printsandimages.com.au
Eckersleys – Erina
Shop 9-10 Palm Court, 174-176 Central Coast Highway
Erina NSW 2250
Phone: 02 4367 8999
Contact: Nicole Pendle
Email: erina@eckersleys.com.au
Website: www.eckersleys.com.au
Eckersleys – Newcastle
73 Tudor Street,
Hamilton NSW 2303
Phone: 1800 045531 or 02 4929 5266
Contact: Ian Miller
Email: newcastle@eckersleys.com.au
Website: www.eckersleys.com.au
Eckersleys – Parramatta
288 Church Street,
Parramatta NSW 2150
Phone: 02 9893 9191
Contact: Michael Daley,
Email: parramatta@eckersleys.com.au
Website: www.eckersleys.com.au
Eckersleys – St. Leonards
21 Atchison St.,
St. Leonards NSW 2065
Phone: 02 9439 4944
Contact: Amy Catanzanti
Email: stleonards@eckersleys.com.au
Website: www.eckersleys.com.au
Eckersleys – York Street
93 York Street,
Sydney NSW 2000
Phone: 02 9299 4151
Contact: Zoe Dye-Lewis
Email: sydney@eckersleys.com.au
Website: www.eckersleys.com.au
Nationwide Curating,
P.O. Box 231,
Glenbrook NSW 2773
Contact: Katherine Kennedy
Email: info@nationwidecurating.com
Website: www.nationwidecurating.com
Sydney Art & Framing Supplies,
115 Silverwater Road,
Silverwater NSW 2128
Phone: 02 9648 1118
Contact: Sales
Email: happy@artandframing.com.au
Website: www.artandframing.com.au
Antons Mouldings Pty Ltd.,
(wholesale customers only)
34-48 Stanley Drive
Somerton Vic 3062
Phone: 03 9308 7444
Contact: Fubr Wollanski
Email: sales@antons.com.au
Website: www.antons.com.au
Artward Bound,
10 Sipmson Walk,
Kensington Vic (By Appointment)
Phone: 0418 545 834
Contact: Steve Barakin
Email: artwardbound@live.com
Website: www.artwardbound.com.au
Cavalier Art Supplies,
All States
website: www.cavalierart.com.au
Email: info@cavalierart.com.au
120 Bolinda Road,
Campbellfield Vic 3061
Phone: 9387 0444
website: www.chamton.com
Creative Framing,
115 Highbury Road,
Burwood Vic 3125
Phone: 03 9888 8225
Contact: Mark Heydon
Email: markh@creativeframing.com.au
Creative Framing Gallery,
18 Armstrong Street North,
Ballarat Vic 3350
Phone: 5334 6554
Website: www.framinggallery.com.au/
Do Your own Picture Framing,
1467 Malvern Road,
Glen Iris Vic 3146
Phone: 03 9822 7999
Contact: Gwynneth
Eckersleys – Prahran
120-126 Commercial Road,
Prahran Vic 3181
Phone: 03 9510 1418
Contact: Wednesday Dessauer
Email: prahran@eckersleys.com.au
Website: www.eckersleys.com.au
M & N Supplies,
24 Alex Ave.,
Moorabbin Vic 3189
Phone: 03 9553 5888
Contact: Josie Norris
Email: mail@mnsupplies.com.au
Website: www.mnsupplies.com.au
Shakespeare Solutions Pty Ltd.,
(sells Australia wide)
18/1 Commercial Road,
Highett Vic 3190
Phone: 1800 997 065
Contact: Edward Banks
Email: edward@shakespearesolutions.com.au
Website: www.//shakespearesolutions.com.au
Australian Capital Territory
Cavalier Art Supplies,
All states,
Email: enquiries@cavalierart.com.au
Website: www.cavalierart.com.au
Eckersleys – ACT
(Schools and Education Institutions only)
7/552 Church Street,
North Parramatta NSW 2151
Phone: 1800 701 602 or 02 9630 2711
Contact: David Solomons
Email: schoolssydney@eckersleys.com.au
Website: www.eckersleys.com.au
Hang Ups Australia,
20 Ipswich St
Fyshwick ACT 2609
Phone: 02 6280 0312
Contact: Mike
Email: sales@hangups.com.au
South Australia
Antons Mouldings Pty Ltd.,
(wholesale customers only)
86 Hardys Road,
Torrensville SA 5031
Phone: 08 8443 4470
Contact: Grant Platten
Email: sales@antons.com.au
Website: www.antons.com.au
Cavalier Art Supplies,
All states,
Email: enquiries@cavalierart.com.au
Website: www.cavalierart.com.au
Custom Framing & Art Supplies,
13 Ormerod Street,
Naracoorte SA
Phone: 8762 2804
Design Image Pty Ltd.,
19 Stepney Street,
Stepney SA
Phone: 08 8362 2551
Contact: Anthony
Email: info@designimageart.com.au
Website: www.designimageart.com.au
Eckersleys – Adelaide
18 King William Street,
Adelaide SA 5000
Phone: 08 8223 4155
Contact: Lara McCarthy
Email: adelaide@eckersleys.com.au
Website: www.eckersleys.com.au
Eckersleys – SA & NT
(Schools and Education Institutions only)
21-27 Frome Street,
Adelaide SA 5000
Phone: 1800 809 266 or 08 8223 4155
Contact: Dean McCarthy
Email: schoolssa@eckersleys.com.au
Website: www.eckersleys.com.au
Framing Solutions,
207 Commercial St. West,
Mt Gambier SA 5290
Phone: 08 8724 7152
Contact: Darren Turner or Jo Stafford
Email: framingsolutions@bigpond.com.au
Southern Moulding Pty Ltd.,
100-102 Frederick Street,
Welland SA 5007
Phone: 08 8346 8661
Contact: Kon Pantelis
Email: sales@southernmoulding.com.au
Website: www.southernmoulding.com.au
Northern Territory
Cavalier Art Supplies,
All states,
Email: enquiries@cavalierart.com.au
Website: www.cavalierart.com.au
Hang It,
Shop 1, 132 Smith Street,
Darwin NT 0800
Phone: 8941 0999
Contact: Peter
Picture Framing Darwin,
Unit 8, 9 MacKenzie Place,
Yarrawonga NT
Contact: Simone
Website: www.pictureframingdarwin.com.au
email: simon@pictureframingdarwin.com.au
Western Australia
Antons Mouldings Pty Ltd.,
(wholesale customers only)
Unit 5/28 Collingwood
Osborne Park WA 6017
Phone: 08 9244 3100
Contact: John Hird
Email: sales@antons.com.au
Website: www.antons.com.au
Cavalier Art Supplies,
All states,
Email: enquiries@cavalierart.com.au
Website: www.cavalierart.com.au
Moulding Distributors
Unit 1, 54 Collingwood Street,
Osborne Park WA 6017
Phone: 08 9244 4416
Contact: Cliff Gates,
Email: cliff@mouldingdistributors.com.au
Cavalier Art Supplies,
All states,
Email: enquiries@cavalierart.com.au
Website: www.cavalierart.com.au
Launceston Art Centre,
61 Invermay Road,
Inveresk Tas 7248
Phone: 03 6334 7775
Contact: Simon or Megan a’Campo
Website: www.Launcestonartcentre.com.au
Email: Create@launcestonartcentre.com.au
Quadro Nostro Pty Ltd.,
27 Patrick Street,
Hobart TAS 7000
Phone: 03 6231 3535
Contact: Tom Miller
Email: tom@quadronostro.com.au